Beauitiful Skin Carolines Product Range Review

Since hitting my 30's I have noticed my skin go through a real change. Gone is the oily skin of my youth and now I have skin that needs, wants moisture.
I can still hear my mother saying to me when I was young what her mother had told her and her grandmother had told her mother (and all had great skin and aged very well) you must moisturise your skin every day and with moisturiser you can trust, look after your skin as a woman, especially your face, neck, cleavage and hands and you will be forever glad you did.
Even when I look now at photos of my grandmother (whose last boyfriend was 34 years her junior!!) and my great grandmother I am amazed at how great their skin was and how well they aged, even my own mother in her late fifties now looks younger than she is and ix not heavily lined at all.
But did I, a modern girl born in the good old 80's listen to advice from generations of women in my family?? 
Gah, I wish!!
No instead I have spent years in the sun (horticulturalist so sort of comes with the territory I guess), in salt water and when I did put anything on my skin it was usually chemical laden make-up with no doubt toxic levels of who knows what!?
And yes, I have started to noticed those lovely face friends, wrinkles...
Well, good old hindsight and all that at least I am on to it now!!
Proof I am looking after my skin more and getting sun savvy!
So this year in my life self care and self body love is playing a big part.

When I watching the series breaking bad, (yes I was surprised that I got right into it), there was a scene when the pregnant Skylar was moisturising her pregnant belly and her arms and neck, it instantly triggered in me memories of always watching my mother moisturising and I realised that I just don't spend that much time doing simple acts of self love like this...

Am I really that busy or tired after the kids have gone to bed that I cannot spend even 10 minutes shining some love on myself and body?
No of course not so this is now a part of my nightly ritual!!

As part of this I have been on a mission to search out and find brands of skin care products that I can trust, that my skin actually likes and that really resonate with this self love and appreciation act.

In my search I have been delighted to come across a gorgeous brand called
The name appealed to me right away as it sounds like a natural beauty range made by a woman who is proud to put her name to her product.
Of course it was (and some of you may already know I have a real thing about getting parcels ;) sent to me in a gorgeous packaged way with such detail it made my day!
When I first looked over the products I was absolutely thrilled reading the ingredient list - what a change from some out there with all those scary long unpronounceable chemical ingredients!
Here is an example:
The **beautiful** lip balm
Wheat germ Oil
 Borage Seed Oil
 Golden Seal root extract
 Calendula flower extract
 Slippery Elm extract
 St John’s Wort extract
 Simple Tincture of Benzoin
 Pau D’Arco
 Vitamin E (botanically derived)
The lush cream:Golden seal
Calendula Herbal extract
Borage Seed Oil
Aloe Vera
Simple tincture of Benzoin
Colloidal Oatmeal
Vitamin A

How could you not be thrilled with ingredients like that? Now I have also been trying quite a few natural skin care ranges lately and some have been great, some meh, some just lovely and the Caroline's Range definitely came under just lovely. Especially the lip balm - which I had to hide from my daughters and my visiting mother ( I guess I know what they will be getting in their Christmas stockings!)

Caroline's is also said to be excellent for Eczema, Dermatitis and Psoriasis.

My review? I really liked the range, I would add this to me fave natural ranges. I find the face wash leaves your skin really smooth and clean feeling, the moisturiser is nice and light - I could probably use a little heavier/deeper moisturising for my skin type on top of it but it felt just lovely on with no greasy residue and you can easily apply make-up after it without having to wait or worry about it not applying properly.
Also I know this range is safe, chemical free and even safe for my kids should they sneak some (which being girls they are wont to do!)
I will definitely add the lip balm to my beauty essentials, it is one of the best I have tried.

You can find the Carolines range and check them out yourself HERE
And find them on FACEBOOK here

Stay beautiful. Live Well. Cherish Yourself and get your self on too!

Bek XX 

Note: This is not a sponsored blog review, I was sent products from Carolines to try all opinions and review is my own at my own discretion.


  1. Lovely ingredients in those creams. I haven't heard of them yet but will look out for them. I slather on 40-50 plus sunscreen every day, including in Winter!

    1. I hadn't either Six Little Hearts so I was really pleasantly surprised. I am definitely more sun savvy with my kids now as well as myself XX

  2. Thanks for the tip! I"m in my early thirties and have noticed changes in my skin too, especially pigmentation. I know it's from my teenage years when I spent lots of time at the beach during the holidays and really neglected my skin in terms of sun damage. I want to find something that will help reduce the appearance of these 'age spots' but like you, I don't want to use chemical laden products. I will definitely have a look .Thanks!

    1. Its tricky living in such a beautiful country like we do with our glorious weather and beaches isn't it!! I remember the trendy zinc days but it was my teenage years where I think my damage was done!

  3. I just hit the big 39 yesterday and dreading the next one. I have always moisturised and never have gone to bed without washing off makeup. I hope this and being sun smart will help keep me looking young. I hope!
    I am using Avon at the moment, there new A33 formula, on my face.. But I need a good cream for slathering elsewhere.

    1. Happy Birthday for yesterday!!
      You sound so organised!
      My mum has used Avon since I was a toddler :)

  4. I'm also finding I need to be a lot more careful with my skin these days! Man turning 30 sucks ;)

  5. When I turned 30 my skin became drier, although unfortunately the oil slick still hasn't dried up. So now I get to deal with oily skin that needs moisture. I like the idea of a natural lip balm though - no good eating the chemicals in most of them.


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Have a gorgeous day!

Rebecca X

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