I Will Do More. Getting active in fun ways in 2015

Dream it. Do it. Do more. I will do.
DO - it's a rather powerful word isn't it?

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

The more you do, the more you can do, so the more you do."
The Pram Diet Book, Random House.

As 2014 is coming to a close and 2015 is just around the corner we are on the brink of that exciting time of year when we seem to find extra enthusiasm and determination. We set goals and dreams, we often start out the new year wanting to be healthier, fitter and often slimmer!
We think wistfully about sports and dancing done in youth, and ones we would love to try.

We plan on fun runs and marathons in the year ahead, we might decide to take up a sport or active hobby, climb certain mountains, run 5k, beat our own running times  - even compete in a sport.

The Australian Institute of Sport has long been a very highly regarded and respected institution and one I really respect; sport and being active is something I personally am very passionate about and think should be heavily encouraged for all children and also parents and adults too, as sport increases our physical activity level in a fun way and makes us healthier people.

Exercise improves your health, helps prevent disease, helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, boosts mood, reduces stress, helps ease and prevent depression and has a very important link to reduced Post Natal Depression and also easing PND symptoms. For me exercise was key to getting through and then over my PND, and also boosting my self esteem and confidence and general overall happiness - something so important for us mums.

I also loved the way exercise empowered me and gave me goals and challenged me. I was so proud that I was able to go from not exercising at all, to walking my pram around the block to eventually jogging with the pram 8 km a day! And lost over 30 kilo's in the process.
We all have it in us to be active and find ways of doing it that are fun, exciting and challenging to us.

"DO: MORE is a philosophy, a rallying cry for those who want to devour life and all that it brings. It is a motivator for the doers of this world and a reminder to us all that we should maximize every moment, commit to those things that move us and pursue our passions with an unrelenting hunger."

 The I will do campaign is a new and exciting way to help Australians achieve their fitness goals through the help of the Australian Institute of Sports and Rexona sports ambassadors.
In this campaign everyday Australians will have access to information and articles written by the AIS normally only reserved for professional athletes.

Next year, for me, I will do more by trying a sports class like either tap dancing or ballroom dancing, or maybe go back to my past love of boxing and taekwondo. Something fun, active, challenging and just for me!
I am planning on pushing myself to do more and have fun doing it too and with tools and tips like the I will do campaign I am sure I will get there!

What is your fitness goals for next year?
What is something you would love to do? Or have done?
Is there a sport you would like to try? Maybe you would love to do a fun run!

Live Well. Be Active. Eat Beautiful, Stay Calm. Be Happy.

Bek XX

**This is a sponsored post**


  1. I really do need to do more - I just amble around saying one day I'll get fit, but so far I'm bombed out actually doing it!

    1. Its funny, I think if you make it this big thing you never get around to doing it but if you just start somewhere, anywhere you get the momentum going and then you feel results and then you see results and then you feel really good and then your hooked :)

  2. Wow Bek, 30 kilos! congratulations! that is epic. I am thinking about doing yoga teacher training next year. If that doesn't happen I am definitely keen to keep doing the yoga I have been doing since my little girl was born. I am back to my pre baby weight and so very happy with that.

  3. Oh I love Yoga!
    Good on you - that is fantastic!
    I get HUGE when I am pregnant! Had to lose 30 kg after baby number 1 and was at goal weight and super fit for 5 years before baby number 2 and still got huge and had about 26kg to lose after her too!
    I swear I have a body that just HAS to exercise!

  4. I need to find my thing, my exercise - that I will enjoy and actually DO.

  5. I love this campaign! I'm a big fan of exercising every day. I love pilates and walking - you feel so much better afterwards!!

  6. Love this! I really need to do more. I'm still waiting on the all clear from my specialist to start back exercising after more than 12 months off but in the meantime I should be looking for incidental ways to do more each day. Possibly starting with 10 steps a day.

  7. My fitness goals are pretty simple, get fit, get off my bum and do something, anything.

  8. I might MIGHT do a marathon next year. But definitely doing a speed triathlon and the City 2 Surf (Have been doing that for 6 years straight!) Look forward to the posts from AIS. x


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Have a gorgeous day!

Rebecca X

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