Guest Blog Post - Mummy Time in the early months after a baby

4 Months Postpartum? You deserve a break! 5 Easy Ways to Treat Yourself
Creating life is perhaps the most wonderful experience in the world and no mum can ever forget the moment she held her precious newborn for the first time. As fulfilling and exciting as having a new baby can be, taking care of a newborn is an exhausting endeavor and every mum needs a break to take care of herself. If you’ve made it four months postpartum, take a day or even a couple hours to yourself. You deserve to pamper yourself and here are a few quick ideas for new mums.
Go out with Your Girlfriends
As much as you might enjoy talking and singing to your baby and listening to the unbelievably adorable cooing and gurgling, you need some adult only time. Get your partner or a friend to watch your little one while you go on a girls’ night out with your friends.  It is important to your sanity that you interact with people you knew pre-pregnancy since it can be easy to get caught up with parenting and forget who you really are as a person. Being a mum is great, but there is more to you than that and it’s important to engage that part of who you are.
Treat Yourself to a Day at the Spa
Carrying a baby for nine months and then giving whether vaginally or through Cesarean section takes a lot of hard work and can take its toll on your body.  Relax and pamper your body with a day at the spa. This is a great way to take some time to yourself and focus on just you. Take some time to feel good about yourself and your postpartum recovery.
Date Night
A new baby will change your relationship with your partner and it can seem like the two of you will never get time to yourself. The truth is your relationship will never go back to the way it was and it’s important to embrace the change and take some time to yourselves to make sure you both are on the same page.  Go on a date and do things you used to do before the baby. Put the little one out of your mind for a couple hours and focus on the two of you and what you both want.
Yoga or other Exercise
By four months postpartum, you should have approval from your doctor to start exercising again. Exercise is a great way to take your mind off being a mother and focusing on your body and feeling good. Yoga is a great way to start since it is relaxing and can soothe sore muscles (especially from carrying little one around all the time). There are some great exercises which include your baby as well. If you have a jogging stroller, take your baby out for a run. He’ll enjoy the scenery and it’s a great way for you to get out and get back in shape.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Finally, if getting out of the house isn’t a possibility or if you’re just too exhausted to go anywhere, try taking a night off and getting someone else to watch your baby. While most babies start sleeping through the night at four months, chances are you are still exhausted by the end of the day and need more sleep than they allow you to get. So turn of the lights, put on some relaxing music, and tune out.
While it can seem like these early months will last forever, they don’t. So remember to cherish every moment with your little one. One of the best ways you can do that is by taking care of yourself. So get out and have some fun with or without your little one.
Janell Fowler is a WAHM to her 2 year old daughter Addison whilst running her own company . BabyButton evolved from realizing the needs of essential products for
mums to feel relaxed and confident in all stages of their baby’s lives. See how we can enhance your
life as a busy mum, whilst continuing to be stylish and unique with the help of BabyButton

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It's very helpful, thanks for all this information. Tips and hints you've given will help me to deal with the main issues on transferring. Thank you!


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