The Edible Garden Adventure Begins at Woolworths with Jamie Oliver's Garden Collectibles

As a passionate horticulturalist, real food cooking presenter and mum I was thrilled when I was contacted about the new Woolworths Jamie's Garden Collectibles.
Already a long time fan of the inspirational Jamie Oliver I was just so delighted about these new collectibles and stickers from Woolworths inspiring kids with the incredible world of food. Growing food, cooking food and seeing food as the amazing and beautiful part of our lives that it can be.
"The Jamie's Garden Collectibles range includes 128 stickers featuring fresh produce and garden animals with special effects such as 3d, thermal ink and scratch and sniff technology.
Children can keep track of their stickers in a special scrapbook-style album with interesting facts, puzzles and kid friendly recipes that teach children about healthy nutrition, fresh ingredients and the origin of food.
There are also eight of Jamie's super power fruit and vegetables plush toys to collect as well as gardening tools and a nifty tin to keep stickers safe.
What did my kids think of it all?
Well lets just say that there was serious sibling rivalry going on over who got the Super Broccoli Man and who got the sticker album!! Yes, absolute hit with my two, even with their 5 year age difference (and yes, looks like I will be getting a second album and plush toy and more stickers ASAP!)
So I can say these will no doubt be an even bigger hit than the previous  hero's Woolworths cards and how exciting for us parents this time too, not only seeing our kids excited about something and collecting things and interested in things outside electronics but they are excited and its all about real food and growing food!!!
I am so excited about these because I believe, every time a child wants to grow something edible at home, even a single tomato plant, a whole new door to an exciting healthy life begins for that whole family!
And kids just really do love to eat vegetables that they themselves helped to grow, they just do!


  1. What a fun collection! Super Broccoli Man is adorable! And your munchkin is so cute!

    1. Oh he really is, you should see beetroot man too!

  2. We're loving Woolworths Jamie's Garden Collectibles.IT;s got my kids digging! :-)

    1. Isn't it fantastic! The best thing they have done in years!

  3. Oh gosh! I thought I left a comment here! Anyway, I think Jamie Oliver does wonderful things to educate children about nutrition. I think my boys would love the Garden Collectibles. Thanks for letting us know about it!

    1. Me too, such a fan of his work so i was so excited when i was told about these!!

  4. Oh these sound great. Thanks for the tip, will have to go to woolies and check them out, we normally go to Aldi's! Jenny. H


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