Women in Business and the Importance of Networking

Women are fantastic communicators, and one of the most exhilarating experiences I have felt in my working life is that buzz of energy, ideas and engaging conversation when you have a room of very talented, genuine, diverse and creative women in one place.

Through in some fantastic food and it tops my list of fun things to do.

Networking is such a great thing to do when you are in business or work for yourself, it builds connections and relationships and is a great resource for learning, business building and friendships.

Living on the gorgeous Sunshine Coast there is this vibe of entrepreneurship, creative spark and gutsy women all carving careers for themselves in various fields. They are amazing women to meet, to network with, to read about and to hear speak.

We have fantastic events and groups for networking on the Sunshine Coast too, but being a mum, and a single mum working from home mum with a toddler and a school aged child and for me it was nearly impossible to make the events.
I love to connect and network with other businesswomen so one day talking with a good friend who was exactly the same as me, also a mum in business and loved networking but couldn't make the events we decided to make our own social group to compliment the ones already out there and bring more Sunshine Coast businesswomen and work from home mums together.
We launched with the August met up at La Dolce Vita in Caloundra
Co-creator Kaz sampling the delicious food at the August meet up

    So SunCoastBizWomen was launched! It became obvious right away that we were not alone, at all, in finding the current events hard to get too, the response we received right away was very exciting.

We wanted this to be accessible to all, so we made it a free group, no membership fee's, no event fee's, nothing to commit too and as we are all about supporting and promoting business where we live on the glorious Sunshine Coast we decided to hold our monthly meet ups at a different Sunshine Coast eatery each time as well so we are promoting lots of the fantastic food venues on the coast too!

The energy around the group feels so good, 
It is so positive and vibrant.

Networking really is that much fun!
 Through the group and it's facebook page we are meeting so many amazing business women that we decided to grow it even further with a blog.

On the blog we are going to interview Sunshine Coast business women, showcase local eateries and our events, host guest blog posts by businesswomen and share business tips.

 Thanks to La Dolce Vita
 Do you belong to a networking group?

What is your top tips for networking?


  1. Congrats on the launch of this new women's biz group! Sounds very exciting and I'm sure it will prove very helpful to all ;)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. Thanks Al!
      It is just amazing being in a room full of talented women - very empowering! Xx

  2. What a fantastic idea Bek, I am already buzzing with how to do something similar. I took a redundancy from my public service job a couple of months ago, so I'm very new to this, but yes, definitely find it hard to make it to many events, *and* as a newbie work-at-home-mum also am in a very different place to most of the people at women in business style events. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Oh so sorry to hear about your job, seems to be so much of that happening, really sad and must be very stressful.
      I would highly reccommned it! The dynamics of all the talented women and networking opportunities is just fantastic XX

  3. I have heard that the local woman in business networking group in my area is a fantastic support! It is easy to get bored with your business but regular networking meetings keeps you inspired and accountable.

    1. Absolutely Eleise, I would highly recommend them! I get so much out of it.

  4. What a great sounding group! I belong to a few Bloggers meet up groups, which I absolutely love. It is so great chatting and exchanging ideas with other like minded people!

    1. I would SO love to go to some of those bloggers meet ups!! They look fantastic, there isn't any where I live unfortunately.

  5. What a great idea, Brissie is a little to far, or I would join in! Cheers Nikki

    1. Maybe one day Nikki! We would love to have you as visitor from Brissie XX

  6. It looks like you guys had a ball. It's awesome finding like minded people who share your passion.

    1. It truly is!! The energy is contagious and you leave buzzing with ideas and inspiration X

  7. I don't belong to a networking group, but then again I don't cook - I just write and that isn't that exciting to talk about!! :) Em

    1. Oh I love writing too! Been doing it since I was a little kid, you should try a writers group - they are awesome too! XX

  8. Until recently I thought networking was a dirty word! Now I realise it does not have to be a slimy experience but can be heaps of fun. I have totally changed my mind! Love your idea of starting a group - if I lived up your way I would definitely come!

    1. Absolutely, and I would just LOVE to have you at a group meetup if you loved closer! Some of these things might be a bit off putting but there are so many great events and things out there, well worth trying a few or creating your own! :) xx

  9. Sounds like a lot of fun. Nice work taking things in to your own hands and making it happen. Look forward to hearing more about it.

    #teamIBOT was here!

    1. Thanks Kylie, it has just blossomed so much we are loving doing this and it is so much fun to do something like this with a fiend as well!

  10. This is great, I'll be folllowing with interest! I love catching up with local bloggers, and I think any kind of networking is positive.

    1. Isn't networking wonderful!
      I would love to go to a bloggers meet up as well X


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Thank you reading.
Have a gorgeous day!

Rebecca X

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