Me & Her: a Memoir of Madness Author Interview

I interview inspirational Aussie Author and Mental Health Advocate Karen Tyrrel about her new book!
ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness: Interview

Q Tell us a little bit about your amazing book.

ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness reveals how parents and their child repeatedly bullied and abused ME, a teacher (Karen Tyrrell) until I could take no more. Each night I screamed out, tormented by ghastly terrors. I escaped into an altered state of reality, transforming into my mad half, HER.

ME: Teacher, wife, mother and Writer
HER: Manic, psychic, healer to the living, telepathic to the dead, and she’s very psychotic!
Q What is it like to have a book published and share your gripping personal story so openly?

 An extreme roller-coaster of emotions. Totally exhilarated one minute, sharing my tell-all story to help others. The next minute I’m over-whelmed with gut-wrenching angst over my personal disclosures for the world to scrutinize and judge.

 Q What would you say to others who might have a loved one in the situation you were in or maybe have been there themselves?

Don’t bottle up your angst and torment! Share your abuse with someone. Seek counselling and talk therapy straight away. Don’t pretend you’re OK when you’re not.

 Q What is Bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder where people may show symptoms of a high mood and over-the-top behaviour. Other times they may show low moods feeling depressed and anxious. Medication and a pro-active wellness plan can stabilize and manage bipolar disorder.

Q Do you think more can be done for mental health in Australia?

Those with mental illness and mental health issues are screaming out for help. So many sufferers are left undiagnosed, untreated or turned away from over-filled hospitals. Or if they’re lucky to secure a bed, they’re released far too early.

I’m one of the lucky ones to recover, able to share my wellness strategies.

Q Do you think the population needs to be made more aware of how much damage we can do to one another?

Bullying and abuse are running rife in our society. Victims retain deep emotional and psychological scars, often resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health issues.

Q What are some great programs or groups people can visit for more information?

Check out Karen’s Resilience Training workshop

Visit Mental Health Association: Get Help Now

Q Where can people buy your book?
You can buy ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness via Amazon

Q Where can people find information on events to listen to you speak or read your blogs?
Please check my website http://www.karentyrrell to find out more about my mental health blogs and events, or download my Free eBook *30 Top Tools for Wellness*

Thank you Karen for sharing some insights into your work and your very inspiring book.
Please check out Karen's blog and her Facebook Page to find out more about this amazing woman and her story.


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks so much for requesting an interview.
    LOVED your insightful questions and your supportive, empathetic approach to mental illness
    and bullying.
    I'm so glad we can spread positive messages about mental health and recovery.
    Karen :)

  2. Thank you Karen for your time and sharing your insights in my interview.
    You are doing such important work and sperading very important messages.

    Best wishes with your wonderful book.



I love that you found yourself on my blog!
Thank you reading.
Have a gorgeous day!

Rebecca X

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